
A live immersive theatrical experience in VR, that was a finalist for the 2021 PGA Innovation Awards.


A group of tourists (audience members) travel to a small Austrian village to experience Christmas holiday festivities with tour guide Micha (Deirdre V. Lyons.) An avalanche redirects the group of world travelers to a small cabin where a kind, elderly man Nikolaus (Stephen Butchko) invites them in to warm themselves by the fire and hear the tale of Krampus and St. Nikolaus. The magical story turns lugubrious, when the group meets the legendary Krampus (Brian Tull) and his menacing Perchten (Eliot Addams and Braden Roy,) where they become entangled in a fight between the forces of light and dark.

Deirdre was co-producer and an actor on Krampusnacht.


Finalist for the

2021 PGA Innovation Award.


The New York Times

“Prefer a darker vision of the Christmas story? Try “Krampusnacht,” a live immersive virtual reality experience that promises to reveal horror beneath that red suit”

-Alexis Soloski

Scare Directory

“I found myself in a cosy log cabin and was greeted by our friendly tour guide, who was great at welcoming myself and all the other virtual tourists to this room”


Broadway World

While many Christmas events are closed due to the pandemic, Krampusnacht will be available for experiencing with a virtual reality headset.


Welcome to Respite
